January 7, 2021 2022-08-24 18:44Banking
Complete Your Banking Career Dreams with SajiloKitab
Learn every aspects of banking syllabus. Cover each and every topics on syllabus. Build your career on Nepal Rastra Bank, Nepal Bank Limited, Rastirya Banijya Bank, Krishi Bikash Bank and other Banking Institutions.

Learn from the experts🤓
"We know firsthand the struggle, the striving, and the beautiful journey that you're on."
Get in-depth knowledge.
Learn every concerned topics with every possible dimensions. You are in safe hands.
Get a helpful roadmap.
Get teamed up with the specialists who work and teach in this field for years.
Start Learning, Start Building Career
Every banks, every banking level, every syllabus and every topics inside syllabus...
Construct A Stunning Career Perspective
You don't have to struggle alone, you've got our assistance and help.

Multiple Platforms Supported for Teaching & Studying
Multiple Course Participation at the Same Time
Vert Fast & So Easy To Create Your The First Course
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Online Courses for Anyone, Anywhere
You don't have to struggle alone, you've got our assistance and help.
सजिलो किताबमा कोर्ष कसरी हाल्ने
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5 hours
What you'll learn
सजिलोकिताबमा कोर्ष हाल्न
अध्यापक बन्न र अध्यापकका फाइदाहरु प्राप्त गर्न
कोर्ष बिक्रि मार्फत कमाइ गर्न
How to add courses on SajiloKitab
1 Lesson
5 hours
What you'll learn
Course structure of SajiloKitab courses
Becoming an instructor
Uploading a Course
Withdrawing income

Loved by 20,000+ students
The magic is in the reviews. What our learners say
Great course to help me understand Banking Syllabus. I have completed some of the courses here and this is so so much easier!

Sunil K. Joshi
/ Student, Bardiya
Taking banking class from physical institutes is painful. Specially if you live way far then the location. SajiloKitab made it easy for me to take online classes from home with much cheaper price.

Thuli Kanxi
/ Student, Kathmandu
I've been taking these courses while I was busy with my previous job. It is much easier, cheaper and convenient to prepare for banking career then ever.

Kailash Joshi
/ Student, Kanchanpur
Preparing for banking career was quite expansive. The courses here covers a lot of territory that I hadn't explored yet in very cheap price. Highly recommend this course.

Youbaraj Acharya
/ Student, Khotang
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