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Instructor Promotional Agreements and SajiloKitab Deals

Sell More Earn More

If you want to earn more you have to sell more. In order to sell more you need to reach more and more potential customers with the best content. Marketing and promotion is crucial in order to succeed on todays environment.

“Stopping Advertising to Save Money is Like Stopping Your Watch to Save Time.”


Do we promote your course?

Definitely YES. We regularly share your course on our different social media platform. If your course content doesn’t violate any of our instructor rules and seems cornerstone content to our reviewer then there is a huge chance of us investing on advertising your course.

Do you need to pay for advertising?

NO. You don’t have to pay for any of the advertising and promoting campaign. We’ll make sure that maximum number of potential students view your course.

You can promote your course on your own

It is also great that you promote your own course. It is beneficial for all. Student will get to know and gain access on what they were searching for, you as an instructor will gain publicity and revenue, and we also be grateful to provide with such platform that helped connect students with tutors.