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Instructor Revenue Share

How much can you earn from SajiloKitab?

There is no limit on your earning on SajiloKitab. You can earn as much as your course is purchased by students. There is no limit on number of course you can make, no limit on number of sales, no limit on student enrollment and no limit on your earning.

Do you have to pay to publish course on SajiloKitab?

No. You don’t have to pay single rupee to be an instructor. You just have to click the become an instructor button and fill up the details on the instructor register form. Please note that, we do retain full right to either accept or reject your instructor registration request.

Is revenue earned by selling courses shared?

Yes. In order to keep LMS (learning management system) up and running we have to pay for hosting server. In addition to that we also promote courses on different platforms. That’s why we deduct 20% of every sales as commission. In addition to 4% is also deducted from sales to pay for the payment gateway provider fees. The rest amount from sales is completely yours. Don’t be confused with these percentages, you can view each and every transaction and calculation on your instructor dashboard.

How can you withdraw your earnings?

You can simply submit a withdraw request from your instructor dashboard. You will be paid through your preferred payment option if all the requirements are met. You must have minimum threshold amount to request for the withdrawal. You can get more info about withdrawal from your instructor dashboard.